Gifting in Uncertain Times

Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020
Time: 4:00pm - 5:15pm
Location: Via zoom
Speaker: David McNamara, John Hancock Advanced Markets

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With so much uncertainty in the world, clients who are able to leverage the largest gift/estate tax exemption in history may be more reluctant than ever to irrevocably give away their assets — even if they know it will benefit their estates/family in the long run. This session will explore:

  • The advantages of making gifts today given the current market environment
  • Ways to create flexibility with irrevocable trusts to help alleviate client concerns using loans that leverage some of the lowest AFRs in history as an alternative.
  • Providing a “wait-and-see” strategy that gives clients the power to decide when and if to make a gift

David McNamara, JD, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, FLMI® is Associate Counsel and Underwriting Liaison with John Hancock's Advanced Markets Group. In his current position, he works closely with the field and distribution teams to provide consulting support on all aspects of non-medical underwriting, including financial underwriting, premium financing, underwriting research and tele-client interviews. Prior to joining the Advanced Markets Team, Mr. McNamara worked in various roles including sales support and operations. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts and his Juris Doctor from Suffolk University Law School.


The program will be held via zoom. Participant audio and video will be muted upon joining the meeting. 

Instructions and zoom registration details will be sent via email on November 18.

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